再生醫學與幹細胞:病患自我倡導之必要 / Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cells: The Need for Patient Self-Advocacy

再生醫學與幹細胞:病患自我倡導之必要 / Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cells: The Need for Patient Self-Advocacy

國  家: 美國
導  演: N/A
演  員: N/A
發  音: 英語
字  幕: 中英文字幕
片  數: 1片 / 50分鐘
影片主題: 再生醫學與幹細胞
分  級:



The ability to clone organs, reprogram DNA, and manipulate stem cells, was once thought to only be the storyline subjects of wild, science-fiction fantasy books and B-movies.  However the recent advances in medical and scientific research are now proving stem cell therapy is on the cusp of becoming the most important development in these fields.  This film looks at this issue from all angles.
